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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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America Online
(AOL) an online information service company that operates two worldwide Internet services, with more than 22 million members, and CompuServe, with more than 2.2 million members, several leading Internet brands including ICQ, AOL Instant Messenger, and Digital City, Inc.

(American Megatrends Inc.) The leading supplier of BIOS software used in PC motherboards.

one of the first mass marketed PCs sold by Commodore Business Machines in the 1980s using Motorola microprocessors.

data represented in a mode other than binary bits such as the image relayed by a scanner. Analog data is represented by one or more of an infinite number of points on a scale or continuum.

analog computer
a computer that processes and delivers data. An abacus is an analog computer.

analog monitor
a video device similar to television that can display an unlimited range of brightness for each primary color. An analog monitor can display any color a computer can generate.

analog-to-digital converter
(ADC) a hardware device that changes analog data to digital form. see analog computer.

a designated point in a Web page represented as an HTML document. The user can easily move to the anchor from anywhere else.

angle brackets
the characters < >. Used in writing many programs.

the use of moving images on a computer screen. At present, much of the moving video we see must be called up from data stored on a disk or CD-ROM.

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