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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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bits per second.

(curly braces) the keyboard characters { }.

(square brackets) the keyboard characters [ ].

usually refers to software operating reliably yet subject to sudden malfunction quickly, under even the slightest change in conditions.

broken hyperlink
(broken link) a link on a Web page that, for any number of reasons no longer points (connects) to a another page. see dead link.

(Web browser) a software application that retrieves Web pages or files on the World Wide Web. Web browsers are the programs that allow users to call for and view information online. Popular Web browsers a include Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

an error or malfunction in a computer program. Recently the term has taken on a broader meaning referring to almost any problem having to do with both software and hardware.

a program character as opposed to a keyboard character used to emphasize a point in a document. Bullets come in many sizes and shapes.

bundled software
software sold as part of a package either with a computer or with other software. For example, most PCs come equipped with the most recent version of Windows while Microsoft Office consists of individual programs that compliment each other and are less costly packaged together.

slang term referring to the copying or recording of data on a CD-R or floppy disk.

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"When you can't find someone in the government directory, call tech support. Due to budget restrictions, we double as 411."

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