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variation of literati, refers to an elite class of individuals who consider themselves to be among the ultra-informed with regard to the digital revolution.

having been digitized. see digitize.

to convert information into digital form. For example, optical scanners achieve digitization by converting images into bitmaps.

specialized characters that are neither letters or numbers.

(directory) in the operating systems DOS and OS/2, the command that calls up all the files in a particular directory.

also called folder, an inventory of all the files contained in a specific section of a computer disk. A disk may contain more than one directory and directories may contain other directories. see folder.

discussion group
a group of people exchanging ideas and thoughts online encompassing a wide variety of topics of interest either in a chat room, interactive live chat, message board, or some other public discussion forum.

a round flat platter used for the storage of computer data. The hard disk (the primary storage device) is usually, though not always, a permanent (internal) part of a computer. Optical disks, such as CD-ROMs, and diskettes are portable disk storage devices.

disk drive
a device that allows a computer to read the information on a disk. PCs usually contain a hard disk and one or more disk drives for the reading of CD-ROMs and diskettes. see disk.

sometimes referred to as a floppy disk. A round, flat, portable device used to store computer data.

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