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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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sometimes called system resources. In operating systems such as Windows and the Macintosh, any data or function that is available to the operation of software running with the system. Memory is a major resource.

to bring a window back it its original size after having been minimized or maximized. see maximize, minimize.

to modify a photograph or image using graphics software such as Adobe PhotoShop.

Return key
in word processing, pressing the Return key moves the cursor (insertion point) to the next line. In many applications, pressing the Return key confirms the choice of an option or initiates a prompt. In this case, the Return key and the Enter key act in the same way. see Enter key.

to exchange black characters for white or white characters with black, often to add effect. Careful choice of fonts is necessary in using this technique as the finer details of many fonts do not always contrast well in reverse.

(Request for Comments) maintained by the Internet Task Force, a collection of notes and observations made about the Internet, beginning in the late 1960s when it was called the ARPANET. With the evolution of the medium, individuals have had the opportunity to make unofficial suggestions about various procedures and protocols as “Request for Comments.” Many have evolved into Internet standards. For example, RFC 2660 addresses the issue of Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

(Radio Frequency IDentification) a wireless data collection technology that uses electronic tags for storing data. Like bar codes, they are used to identify items. Unlike bar codes, which must be brought close to the scanner for reading, RFID tags are read when they are within the proximity of a transmitted radio signal.

red, green and blue, the colors that make up all other colors on a computer display monitor.

rich text format
a standard for developing text documents created by Microsoft that uses the encoding of formatted text and graphics for easy transfer between applications. Other document encoding formats include HTML and SGML.

right click
to press the button on the right hand side of a mouse. With the mouse cursor on an object, right clicking will often produce a pop-up menu that, depending on the object selected, offers options that can lead the user to open a program, cut or copy, create a shortcut, or display the properties of the selected object.

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"If you're an intern, feel free to bring in all your friends from college and have your Daddy complain to our boss when we won't let them use the scanner. We had no friends when we were in college; that's why we're such a bunch of tight-assed little twerps."

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