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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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a particular lettering style that incorporates size, spacing, and pitch. Word processing programs offer many different fonts. The default font in many writing programs is Times New Roman.

the space on a physical desktop (as opposed to a computer screen) that a device such as a computer or printer requires. The term is borrowed from the construction trade, where a footprint often refers to the space a house or building will occupy on a piece of land.

the program currently running on your computer. Most computers have the ability to operate more than one application at a time, called multitasking. The program that is receiving instructions from your mouse or keyboard is the one running in the foreground.

an online document designed to accept feedback from a user. A form contains fields where the user can enter name, email address, telephone number and other information. After completing a form a simple mouse click sends the information to the requesting party. Online forms minimize the number of paper documents needed for a wide variety of purposes such as product warranty registration, entering contests, and requesting information.

1. a method of preparing a storage medium such as a computer disk to accept and/or read data.
2. the layout of a document or a file. see file format.

(FORmula TRANslator) developed by IBM in the late 1950s, one of the first high-level program languages, used primarily for scientific calculations, which remains in use today.

a command button on a Web browser that allows a user quick access to a Web page. The forward button works only if the user has first clicked the “back” button. In this case, the forward command allows the user to re-visit a previously viewed page.

the condition on a disk in which files are scattered around the disk in pieces. The computer is still able to read the files but not with optimum efficiency. Disk fragmentation occurs from the continual deleting of many files over a period of time. Modern operating systems contain applications that defrag disks when directed by a user. These programs should be run periodically.

describes the physical format for viewing a Web page offering the user the ability to scroll up, down, or horizontally as needed. Frames may be divided into two or more sections with each frame allowing the user options for scrolling, as well as other methods for manipulating the frame, such as minimizing or maximizing the view.

free software available for downloading from a wide variety of Websites. There are several reasons the software is offered free. Freeware, also sometimes erroneously called shareware, is a limited version of a program that the manufacturer, distributor or author would like people to purchase. Giving users a free taste is designed to get them to buy a more comprehensive version. Another reason an individual might offer free software on the World Wide Web, or free anything for that matter, is to drive traffic to a particular Website. Online revenues are often generated by site traffic, and giving software away is a popular way of getting visitors. Finally, some people simply want others to experience their creation and are willing to distribute it freely to accomplish that end.

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