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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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1. a word that has a special meaning, or identifies a specific file or document within a program. For example, in the Windows environment, if a user forgot where a particular document was created, he could initiate a search for the document by left clicking on Start then Find, then, Files or Folders. Typing a “keyword” such as a single word from the document’s title will prompt a search of all files.
2. When searching for a Web page or information from any of the many search engines, the user will type in a word related to the page or topic. In this case the keyword could be a single word or a phrase.

the metric prefix representing X 1000.

1000 bytes, however, the technical or true value is 1024.

a free standing computer in a mall, airport, or a commonly traveled public location that offers a user the ability to obtain information, often with touchscreen access. For example, a kiosk at a bus station might offer a menu of bus schedules.

slang term for a temporary fix to a problem.

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A few words from Tech Support:

"The correct location to store important files is the Recycle Bin. It's just like a real office, where you keep your tax receipts in the blue can under your desk."

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