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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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a free interactive program that allows a user the ability to view another user’s screen in realtime anywhere in the world.

a series of basic programming instructions that causes a function to repeat until a specific goal or condition has been reached. Each cycle is called an iteration.

(Lotus Development Corporation) a subsidiary of IBM since 1995, and leading spreadsheet developer since the early 1980s, with products such as Lotus 1-2-3.

keyboard characters (letters) that are “small,” such as x, y, z, as opposed to the uppercase or CAPITAL letters, X, Y, Z. The term dates back to the early days of printing when the small letter characters were stored in drawers (cases) underneath the capital letters.

to watch what is taking place in an online public forum. see lurker.

a slang term for an individual who watches the interaction of others in public forums such as chat rooms, bulletin boards and message centers without ever contributing himself.

a popular full-text search engine on the World Wide Web that allows users to customize a search.

a Web browser that supports text and not graphics. The benefit here is, because Lynx does not have to load graphics it is much faster than the more popular graphical-access browsers.

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A few words from Tech Support:

"When a tech gets on the elevator pushing 15,000 kilograms worth of computer equipment on a cart, ask in a very loud voice: "Good grief, you take the elevator to go DOWN one floor?!?" That's another one that cracks us up no end."

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