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Glossary of Internet & Computer Terms

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recovering deleted files
see file recovery.

Recycle Bin
comparable to the Trash Can in the Macintosh. In the Windows environment, a folder represented on the desktop by an icon of a small recycle bin. This is where deleted files are temporarily stored until they are either cleared permanently from a computer’s hard disk or restored.

Red Book
a standard established by Phillips and Sony for CDs that, among other things, set the playing time of a recorded CD at 74 minutes, transferred at a rate of 150 Kbps.

in printed word processing documents, the marking of edited text, noting sections that need to be changed or corrected.

1. to update a Web page. Websites offering dynamic content, that is, ever-changing information such as breaking news, stock market or weather reports etc., require a user to update pages containing the changes. Web browsers allow for this with a refresh option. On Microsoft Internet Explorer, there is a button labeled Refresh located in the toolbar. In Netscape Navigator, it is called Reload.
2. to recharge, as with a display monitor or memory chip. To function properly, most memory devices are constantly being charged with power or information.

a high speed storage space within a CPU. The size and number of registers in the central processing unit are critical in determining the speed and power of a computer.

1. to provide a software or hardware manufacturer with user information. Manufacturers and commercial enterprises of all types such as Websites request information from users for a wide variety of purposes, many aimed at the marketing of additional products. Registering as an owner of software and hardware often assures the owner of receiving technical support in the event there is a problem with the product. It also helps prevent software piracy.
2. the proper physical orientation of color plates in a color printing job. The proper alignment of individual color plates comprises the full color images we see.

a storage space in Windows and Windows NT operating systems that maintains program setup data.

see refresh.

hardware, software, and data not directly included in, or connected to a workstation.

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